life's precious

a friend's sister just lost her baby, the baby was so near to birth, just a few weeks away, but she's now gone forever... a friend of a friend lost his life in an accident, thanks to a reckless truck driver who didn't follow the traffic lights... a friend of a friend fell down and was sent to the hospital, after a body checkup, he was told that he had cancer and he left the world 2 weeks after that... lives come and leave so easily that we cannot even predict when it's going to happen. aren't we lucky enough to have lived healthily for so many years, under the care and pamper of our parents and family? so stop grumbling if u have tons of homework that u cannot finish. stop complaining that ur mummy do not give u enough allowance. cherish ur own lives, live it to the fullest so u'll have no regrets when u get old.

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